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    Monday, November 26, 2007

    NM-Sen: Chavez Accuses Udall of "Endangering Our National Security"

    It's really hard to take in. Continuing his recent mean-spirited barrage against his high-polling Dem primary opponent for U.S. Senate, Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez is now accusing Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) of "endangering our national security." He's also likening Udall to Republican Senate candidates Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) and Steve Pearce (NM-02). In a campaign email (PDF) today, Chavez said:

    Enough is enough.  If Tom Udall, Heather Wilson, and Steve Pearce -- our elected Representatives in Congress -- won't fight to save our labs, we will.

    ... Unfortunately, my 3 opponents in the Senate race -- Representatives Tom Udall, Heather Wilson, and Steve Pearce -- all had a chance to stop these cuts.  Instead, earlier this year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would strip about $400 million in funding from Los Alamos and Sandia labs.

    Tom Udall voted for these funding cuts, saying it would send the labs "a message." Well, throwing people out of work and endangering our national security is not the "message" New Mexicans want to hear from people in Washington like Tom Udall.

    ... Our Representatives Tom Udall, Heather Wilson, and Steve Pearce should be fighting for New Mexico, not siding with Washington lobbyists and insiders. [emphasis mine]

    It's one thing to criticize your primary opponent's positions, but I think this kind of over-the-top rhetoric coming directly from Chavez can only serve to turn more Dem voters against him. Chavez already has a reputation for publicly and privately trashing fellow Dems on the Albuquerque City Council, supporting Repubs and their causes and vowing to vote for Repub Sen. Pete Domenici if he ran for reelection.

    Do Chavez and his campaign team really believe that using inflammatory language like this to attack one of the most highly respected and popular Dems in the state will help him in his quest for Dem primary voters? Astonishing. Not only is it wrong, it's bad politics.

    Status Quo vs. 21st Century Mission
    First off, where does Chavez get off claiming that Udall is "siding with Washington lobbyists and insiders" by trying to get our national labs to leave the Cold War behind and embrace a green future? The last time I looked, monied lobbyists and insiders were all for the status quo in terms of building new nuke weapons systems and clinging to old greenhouse gas-producing technologies. It's the people -- and the best scientific minds in the nation -- who are clamoring for an Apollo-like project to address emergencies related to climate change and our dependence on foreign energy sources.

    We don't need a new generation of nuke weapons -- we need our best and brightest to solve what is probably our most urgent problems this century -- the severe damage being caused by dirty-burning fossil fuels and the huge price in money and lives we are paying for oil in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East.

    Is Plutonium Pit Manufacturing Green?
    I'd  love to know how Mayor Marty squares his self-proclaimed "green" orientation and his recent pandering about nuclear weapons research and production. Do people concerned with the environment and sustainable energy generally support creating large plutonium pit manufacturing projects in their states? Do they clamor for funds to support a new "replacement" line of nuke weapons that's essentially banned by the treaties we've signed? Do they push for retaining lab funding for nuke weapons instead of using common and economic sense to try and steer the labs towards a new, critical mission of developing green technologies and researching renewable energy alternatives?

    Clearly, Chavez is "green" only when it suits his political aspirations and anti-green when it doesn't.

    Facing Facts
    Nobody wants workers at the New Mexico labs to lose their jobs, least of all Tom Udall, who has strongly represented their interests in a balanced way for years. But it's clear that members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, as well as a majority of Americans, see turning the page on an outmoded Cold War mentality as the only way to go. It's time to face facts. Today's national security, energy and environmental concerns can only be addressed by the U.S. turning green in a genuine sense -- and by generously supporting our best scientific minds to dedicate themselves to green renewable energy and tech research.

    As Rep. Udall has said, he cast his vote for the budget cuts because the labs should be conducting energy research and science programs to address national security issues. It may well be the only way for them to survive in today's world. The national consensus is shifting dramatically and quickly against renewed nuke weapon production and towards a new scientific paradigm. Hanging onto the past at New Mexico's labs, as Chavez is touting and as Domenici strived for, is not wise or even tenable any longer. But you wouldn't know it by the tone and rhetoric being employed by Chavez to try and peg Udall as some kind of traitor for facing reality.

    That's a very sad commentary on how Chavez hopes to win the nomination, isn't it? Fortunately, I don't think most New Mexico Dems will be buying it anytime soon.

    See recent posts on related topics at local blogs , Only in New Mexico and Heath Haussamen. The latest post on m-pyre also deals with this topic and includes a couple of useful pie charts about budgets at the labs.

    To read our previous coverage on the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

    November 26, 2007 at 05:55 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Energy, Environment | Permalink


    Sorry but this is politics. Just wait till the Republicans lay into him - nothing, and I mean NOTHING that Marty can say will even get near what the Publicans have been and are gonna say about him for the next year. Tom better come up with a good rebuttals to this because its all he will see till Nov., 08 besides concerted and probably successful attempts to paint him as the uber liberal in the race.

    Frankly the belief that Udall is a "shoe-in" is a joke. I fear Heather can beat him badly in Southern NM (CD 2) and beat him ever so slightly in Albuquerque (CD 1) - hence she wins.

    Be careful what you wish for you might get it!

    Posted by: Michael | Nov 26, 2007 8:00:34 PM

    Please let us not begin this political season from a position of weakness - that is, fearing what Republicans might say about a Democrat being liberal or not. If we approach campaigning in this way, on the defensive, we are simply letting the opposition frame the debate. Democrats must constantly be on the offensive - Republicans have zero credibility on any issue, least of all national defense. The instances of worldwide terrorism have substantially increased under the Bush administration, particularly since the illegal war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. How has this made America safer? The Bush administration, and Republicans who have supported him, have crippled our military, not to mention the servicemen themselves. Shouldn't this be a reason to put Republicans on the defensive, rather than worry about accusations of "liberal" (which to me is no accusation at all.)

    There is no need to be congenial to the Republicans at this point. They should be kneecapped and hamstrung at every available opportunity. With the assistance of servile Democrats who kow-tow from a position of weakness, who fear being called liberal, the Republicans have plunged this country into economic despair (have you checked the value of the dollar lately?), have poisoned our standing as a world leader, and have the blood of MILLIONS on their hands.

    Liberal? Pshaw! Bring it on. Being called a liberal is the last thing I fear. Let the spin doctors do their worst - eventually truth will prevail.

    This is one of the many things that the Democrats must change about the way they present themselves. If people want to see strength, the Democrats can show it by not bending to the Republican Echo Chamber. John Kerry lacked the strength needed to throw the Swiftboat bullshit right back in Bush's face by calling him a draft dodger, exposing the refusal of Bush to take urine tests in the Texas Air National Guard, going AWOL to work on an Alabama senatorial campaign, and scoring one point above being too stupid to fly.

    And we are going to let them do this to us again? Read Scott Ritter's "Waging Peace." It is this perception of weakness that will lead to our defeat time and again.

    One thing I will promise you as a candidate: I will never apologize for my liberal positions.

    Sincerely, and in Peace
    Jason Call
    Candidate, US Congress, New Mexico CD 1

    Posted by:

    This is insanity on Chavez's part and shows how incredibly stupid he is.

    What is HE going to do in the Senate--When US Senate Democrats are united to stop the Bush Administration's desire to create a new generation of nukes like the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator he's going to support it just to keep a few lab jobs and piss off the 50-plus dems in the senate? Marty's going to support going against several international arms treaties to continue research into new nukes? Right, like Democrats are going to support that in the primary?

    If Marty was as smart and innovative as he claims, you would think that he would come up with some new ideas for the labs' missions. But no, he's intellectually lazy. If you notice, Marty hasn't come up with any solutions for saving jobs at the labs.

    Pete Domenici put us in the situation of having to defend lab jobs b/c he over funded and overfed the labs for years. It's sad that Marty choses to attack a dem on the issue rather than the real culprits--the Republicans. Marty, as a freshman Senator, will have no power to stop any lab cuts. but, he could come up with some new ideas and missions for the labs that are part of the democratic agenda and actually find support for them.

    It's amateur hour at the Chavez campaign.

    Posted by: | Nov 26, 2007 9:31:20 PM

    Many Republicans are also against funding the labs but for different reasons. They want the private sector to get any dough spent by the government. Besides our treasury is practically bankrupt. Think again if you think there will be money left to fund anything after Bush and cronies are done with the government. They set out to bankrupt it and they are doing so in spades.

    I agree strongly with Jason too. Tell it like it is.

    Posted by: Coyote | Nov 26, 2007 9:59:05 PM

    I find it amusing that the DPBC newsletter implored party officials to refrain from "negative campaigning" when one of our candidates is the biggest mudslinger of them all. Shame on you, Marty Chavez! May it help your campaign like it helped Geno Zamora last year.

    Posted by: Don Schiff | Nov 26, 2007 11:38:16 PM

    Way to go Mayor Chavez!
    Finally a progressive mayor who has the cajones to stand up and speak his mind! Someone who isnt afraid to take on the congress who eventhough democratically controlled has done little to reign in the White House.
    I am sorry that Congressman Udall wasnt strong enough to stand up to Senator Dominici and his over feeding of the labs, or even making it an issue when he was running for office the first time.
    I would be really interested to see how much of his contributions over the last few quarters came from folks at the labs.
    Way to Go Mayor Marty! Protect our labs and jobs that are really affected by layoffs at Los Alamos The working class, the support staff, the people who live down the hill from Los Alamos, not the nuke jockey's who we will protect because if we dont keep them they will go to countries like India, Iran, Pakistan.

    Posted by: Stop Attacking Hispanic Candidates | Nov 27, 2007 12:21:33 AM

    Marty's following has always been kind of enigmatic to me- you either love the guy, or you hate him. Little or no gray area on that.

    Personally, I'm not fond of the guy. I think he's trying to be the Democrat version of Guilliani. He's also rather a hypocrite and somewhat authoritarian in nature.

    S.A.H.C., this is not a race issue. I could care less if a candidate is Hispanic, black, white, homosexual, straight, Christian, not Christian, or whatever else. What matters to me is that they represent my ideals and the ideals of this country. I don't like hypocrites, dishonesty, or authoritarianism.

    Posted by: | Nov 27, 2007 5:49:34 AM

    I read a lot of these "political blogs", and a lot of them bash the mayor. No surprise there. But I find it odd how all the Marty supporters who comment on these blogs to back him up won't post their names... or should I say "name"?

    Posted by: James | Nov 27, 2007 9:08:08 AM

    I find it hilarious that SAHC is claiming that Chavez is a champion of the working people. It was Mayor Chavez who fought tooth and nail against a raise in the minimum wage for Albuquerque. He worked closely with the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce to put out false information and do a campaign against it. The Chamber is hardly known as being for working people.

    SAHC is also wrong about the U.S. House. They've been passing legislation regularly to "reign in" the White House. It's the Senate, including Marty's hero Domenici, that has been stopping all that.

    I also saw in the paper today that about $175 million of the LANL budget goes to Bechtel Corp for managing the lab as well as the taxes they now have to pay because it's been "privatized" that way. Maybe Chavez should direct his anger at the Bush rubber stamps who push for big corporations to get the big money in all government projects-like Domenici. More on Bechtel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bechtel

    If Marty believes so much in what he is saying, how could he possibly have pledged his vote for Domenici if he ran again? Domenici is for the war, against universal health care, for Halliburton and Bechtel contracts and everything else Bush and the neocons push.

    Posted by: >My Turn | Nov 27, 2007 9:33:55 AM

    "Stop Attacking the Hispanic Candidate"? Well jeeze, does that mean we all have to accept anything and everything a candidate says, does or stands for just because he or she may be Hispanic? Give me a break. That kind of ethnicity based BS is just that, pure BS. The Democratic Party in New Mexico is NOT an exclusively Hispanics only social club, or at least it darn sure shouldn't be.

    So, Marty thinks the labs should be maintained just as they are? I notice he has said absolutely NOTHING in regards the the nuclear waste dump sitting atop the aquifer and adjacent to Mesa del Sol. Marty has apparently turned a blind eye to that particular MAJOR HEALTH HAZARD for all of his years as Alcalde. The "mixed waste landfill" threatens the groundwater under Mesa del Sol and Tijeras Arroyo and the south valley as well as all points south. Some also fear progression of contaminants northward, threatening the aquifer under the city itself. Of course, Marty has worked deligently to provide drinking water for the majority of Albuquerque comes from surface water in the near future. A source of water highly suspect for additional radionuclide contamination from years of uncontrolled dumping of nuclear weapons waste from those oh so precious labs at Los Alamos.

    How about this - why doesn't Marty, or Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich for that matter, advocate a change of mission at both LANL and Sandia to start working on cleaing up the environmental disasters they've spent the last 60 years creating. Whichever candidate actually states that as one of their priorities will enjoy a huge amount of support from the progressive LIBERAL Democrats I know. Marty Chavez is a non-starter outside of the city, a fact well established in his pathetic attempt to become Gobernador.

    Posted by: Rodney | Nov 27, 2007 9:37:43 AM

    Stop playing the race card.

    As a Native Hispanic New Mexican, I find it laughable that Generalisimo Chavez claims to stand up for working Hispanics. He opposed the minimum wage increase, has been in the pocket of greedy developers for years and he has attacked practically every Democratic Hispanic official from City Council President Debbie (Romero) O'Malley, to County Commission Chairman Alan Armijo. He can't get along with anyone - Hispanic or not - who doesn't do exactly what he wants them to do. If he goes to the U.S. Senate he will be as divisive and corrupt as he has been as Mayor. New Mexicans should be very worried of the havoc he could cause with a national platform. This is one election where we should reject the "native" and "Hispanic" cards being played. Ethics and real Democratic values should far outweigh where you were born and what your last name is. Viva Nuevo Mexico.

    Posted by: D. Sanchez | Nov 27, 2007 9:49:23 AM

    I guess the only way Marty thinks he can win is to make exaggerated accusations against Udall and repeat over and over that he's an Hispanic native son. How insulting to the intelligence of voters. I think people will see through this. I hope everyone looks at his record to see how he hasn't done anything for working people just for his rich friends. Suddenly he's the savior of the working classes and true to his roots. And if you believe that ....

    Posted by: Old Dem | Nov 27, 2007 1:43:38 PM

    Marty making idiotic statements about other candidates isn't going to help him get elected. In fact its just one more good reason NOT to vote for him.

    Posted by: VP | Nov 27, 2007 2:19:07 PM

    Marty's so green he glows in the dark. Or lines his pockets. Take your pick.

    Posted by: Don Schiff | Nov 27, 2007 9:50:43 PM

    Stick a fork in Marty, he's done.

    He is trying to play up to Special Interest and Republicans that don't care much about the environment, but greed and power.

    ...I'm sorry, didn't Mr. Chavez make sure he was sitting up front at Al Gore's Presidentation and slide Show in October? Hmmm?


    Posted by: Linda | Nov 28, 2007 11:15:32 AM

    Check out the New Mexican's editorial on the subject at https://www.santafenewmexican.com/Story/Editorial_Chavez_demagogues_LANL_Udall_wants_new_role_for_it

    They say it better than I could. Here's a hint: they call Marty a demagogue.

    Posted by: Don Schiff | Nov 28, 2007 11:58:31 AM

    That excellent editorial also calls Udall a "profile in courage." I have a link to the editorial in my Must See category on the left-hand sidebar of the blog.

    By the way, Udall will officially announce tomorrow at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque!

    Posted by: barb | Nov 28, 2007 2:17:22 PM

    Excellent editorial, and I agree, "DEMAGOGUE" fits Marty well.

    Posted by: VP | Nov 28, 2007 4:05:17 PM

    Udall will do well in southern new mexico. and i think he will trounce Marty in Alburqurque. Just look at the previous mayors who ran for state office.
    Marty defeated for gov
    Baca defeated for land commisioner.
    Former santa fe mayor defeated for land commisioner.
    if you look at this pattern, it was the citys they were running that defeated them.

    Its Martys fault he has to draft people to blog for him. I can smell a fake blog commenter a mile away.
    Marty should have been closer to the people.
    La Raza knows what he is.
    Marty made alot of mistakes, looking for a news camera.
    He is not for the people, he is for the rich elite.

    Posted by: george | Nov 28, 2007 4:44:18 PM

    "Stop Attacking Hispanic Candidate" must be a racist 'publicon troll. No dem would be that ignorant.

    Repeating Reich-wing talking points is not only stupid, it is disgusting.

    Mayor Marty's foolishness has simply motivated me to get out and work for Udall, rather than sit on the sideline until the primary.

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Nov 28, 2007 6:37:55 PM

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