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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Marty Chavez for Senate: Blog Smackdown

BlogAlbuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez has been getting hit repeatedly by bloggers and commenters and folks at Dem gatherings ever since he decided he'd abandon his long advertised run for governor in 2010 and instead enter the Dem Senate primary race. Mockery. Complaining. Groans. Tales of horror about Marty's past dealings. Complaints about his lack of integrity, ethics, people skills, honesty. I guess that's what happens when a politico has a sudden expedient ephiphany (oops) epiphany that leads him to try to pretend he's someone he's not in order climb up a big, big rung on the political scale.

Marty has just burned too many bridges and backstabbed too many people to get away with it. Too many in New Mexico know him for who and what he is, no matter how many top notch campaign consultants he hires to repaint the picture. Here's a sampling of some of the most recent blogging critical of the Mayor and his candidacy:

And ouch -- this Monday front pager by Markos on Daily Kos certainly doesn't mince any words. Quote:

Everyone wants Chavez out of the primary, suggesting he run for one of the House seats opened up by this Senate race. Me, I'd rather see Chavez' career destroyed by Udall in this primary once and for all. The last thing we need is his corrupt ass in Washington in the House, stinking up the Democratic brand and making Latinos look bad. So I hope he's stupid enough to stay in the Senate race. I'll have fun seeing him go down in flames.

Finally, there's the rapidly evolving story about Marty and his pet money-making red light cameras. You know, the ones he had put into place for safety reasons -- not to make money or headlines. Sheriff Greg Solano of Santa Fe weighs in on those on his blog. Suddenly, now that Marty is running for Senate (and questions are being asked about where the money is going from the program), he's developed new doubts about their effectiveness. So many doubts, in fact, that he's appointing a task force to study the cameras -- better known as putting the onus on somebody else, anybody else.

As of June 30th, the cameras have made $5.8 million for the city after paying off the company that runs the program. Meanwhile, there's no clear cut evidence that they're cutting down on accidents -- or that they're not, for that matter.

The odd thing is that Chavez. who has made the camera program something of a personal crusade, has now admitted publicly that he's reconsidering the red light cameras for political reasons. A Sunday Albuquerque Journal article reports:

Mayor Martin Chávez, saying the city's red-light camera program is not "delivering on its promises," will appoint a task force to consider scrapping it.

... "Folks either love these things or hate them, and more and more people just hate them," Chávez said in a telephone interview Friday from Chicago, where he was attending a conference. "I am not seeing the reduction in accidents that justify the headache and the controversy."

The city launched the program in October 2004 at two Northeast Heights intersections. Initially, it was designed to catch drivers who run red lights.

The program has since expanded to 20 intersections, and most cameras are also catching speeders. The city has added three camera-equipped vans to catch speeders as well. Chávez on Friday acknowledged that the program could be a "political liability." He announced last month that he was seeking the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Pete Domenici.

"If we have a policy that is not liked and not working, certainly that is a political liability," Chávez said. "It is not the only issue on my municipal plate. I want to make sure that it does not deflect other things we have accomplished."

Probably realizing the impact of what he said on Friday about political considerations, Chavez changed his tune on Sunday:

Chávez downplayed any notion that he is trying to jettison his unpopular red-light camera program because it could be a political liability in his recently announced candidacy for the U.S. Senate.  ... The mayor said his appointment of a nine-member panel— which will make recommendations to him if the program should be kept, changed or scrapped— is timed to January's state legislative session in Santa Fe and not to his campaign strategy.

"If it were political, I'd kill the program," Chávez said in an interview following a news conference at the Civic Plaza.

I've always thought that one of Chavez's most serious faults is the transparency with which he conducts his purely political and often nasty movidas. I guess he really thinks we won't see through them because we're too clueless and naive to realize that the emperor has no clothes. He'd better think again.

For our previous posts on the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

November 13, 2007 at 07:00 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


Markos at KOS really said it well and I particularly like how he said this: "The last thing we need is his corrupt ass in Washington in the House, stinking up the Democratic brand and making Latinos look bad".

Posted by: VP | Nov 13, 2007 7:18:22 AM

I like to think about what is happening to Marty as a grand example of political karma. Marty's long record of doing his dirty work so publicly and arrogantly without any concern for fallout is finally, and beautifully, coming full circle. Now we get to air our dirty laundry against him for all to see, and he's having to pay for every decision he made for big-money interests or personal gain. Given the level of arrogance we're talking about here, I'm sure he never once considered that the pesky progressives of ABQ would refuse to be railroaded. That's a lesson that I hope might actually stick with him. Good riddance, Marty.

Posted by: | Nov 13, 2007 7:38:52 AM

The chickens come home to roost. He made his bed now he has to lie in it. He dug his own ditch. He can't have it both ways. These cliches do apply to Marty. I wonder when he will get it? When its to his advantage he wants to kiss and make up with everyone. He must think memories are short.

Posted by: Red or Green | Nov 13, 2007 10:11:29 AM

WOW! Another hit piece by the left wing. How many elections federal elections has you actually won?????
To bad only 20 people actually read this. You don't back up any of your information with real hard facts.

Posted by: johngallegos | Nov 13, 2007 10:15:06 AM

The funny thing is that Marty could have gotten good responses if he worked at things with honesty and respect for other people in the process. Too bad his personality makes him be so sneaky and low life in his relationships with other politicians and people in the party. His personal style makes things a hundred times worse than they need to be and thats why the blood is so bad between him and those he has worked with or against.

Posted by: JJ | Nov 13, 2007 10:21:05 AM

I used the google thing on this blog to look for old posts on Chavez and came up with this oldie but goodie:

Imagine what Republicans could come up with if Chavez were to get the nomination. Bad news.

Posted by: I Vote | Nov 13, 2007 10:32:04 AM

I redid the link above so it could be clicked:

Ethics Hall of Shame

Posted by: | Nov 13, 2007 11:19:38 AM

Udall's mis-leadings:
1) VOTED against the San Juan Chama Project for Albuquerque, that will go vote over very well with the Bernalillo County Voters.
2) Voted against the WHIP Program, wow Southern New Mexico will love that.
3) Voted for a decrease in funding for the National Las, New Mexico's Economic Engine, I m sure Northern New Mexico will be happy to vote for him now.

One sided propaganda once again!

Posted by: johngallegos | Nov 13, 2007 1:10:54 PM

I feel very confident that regardless of how Mr Udall voted on a few particular issues, his vote was in the best interest of the majority. The difference is that the Mayor on the other hand, has a long history of arrogantly working for the narrow interests and benefit of a few of his cronies, that is unacceptable for a public servant and particularly so for a Senator representing everyone in the state. BTW, its NOT propaganda when its true.

Posted by: VP | Nov 13, 2007 2:04:54 PM

He was voting to represent his district which is what members of Congress do. Don't forget, he won two state races for AG. People know him and respect him even if they do not always agree with him. No politician has agreement from everyone all the time but what they can do is treat people fairly. Chavez does not.

Posted by: Santa Fe | Nov 13, 2007 5:34:58 PM

I just heard Marty saying he supported campaign finance reform and getting the money out of campaigns on his town hall meeting. I wonder why he didn't support that here when it mattered.

Posted by: Just a Thought | Nov 13, 2007 7:12:03 PM

All 3 of the votes Mr. Gallegos cites are because Tom Udall is an actual, principled, committed environmentalist. WIPP (not WHIP) created a few jobs for southern NM at the risk of a huge catastrophe. Bill Richardson worked against it for more than a decade. He's pretty popular here, I seem to recall.

The San Juan-Chama project just papers over a serious future water shortage problem with some extra river water that flows past Los Alamos. We're going to have to drink that potentially plutonium-contaminated stuff, and the extra water now simply allows Albuquerque to metastasize, putting off the day when we really have to deal with Chavez's developer buddies' unsustainable growth.

I'm sure Tom would love to have the Labs work on alternative energy rather than new nukes, but that wasn't part of the budget. Moreover, the labs are not the economic development engine you make them out to be. LA is ruby red, anyway, and Sandia's budget won't suffer as much as people fear. Cutting the budget this year is part of a larger strategy of shifting the labs' mission.

None of those votes are going to hurt Tom much. Pulling down the red light cameras won't help Marty much, either. Sorry, John. Tom Udall is a great candidate, and Marty Chavez is a corrupt, self-serving, repugnant putz.


Posted by: Don Schiff | Nov 13, 2007 7:21:50 PM

Lay off Marty and look at the big picture. We need him in the Senate and Udall to stay in the House. There is so mich at stake here for all of New Mexico. Marty makes people mad sometimes including myself, but I just cannot stomach the fact of Udall giving up his seniority in the House. Let's be rational.

Posted by: Mike B. | Nov 13, 2007 9:42:02 PM

This voter will lay off opining about Marty when he is out of the race and out of office. Looking at the big picture we DO NOT need his corrupt ass in the Senate anymore than we need another Bu$h in the White House. Although true that seniority is important, again looking at the big picture, New Mexico will be much better off in the long run with Rep's that actually vote and support the interests of ALL their constituents, something we haven't seen in quite sometime.

Posted by: VP | Nov 14, 2007 7:42:42 AM

It never ceases to amaze me how self-important you people are. Marty must be grateful that his opposition is, as per usual, left of the left lefties who couldn't get a card game together. As for your blessed "Kos" as far as New Mexico politics goes, he couldn't change a dollar bill. Chavez is like Hillary - everything that can be said, has been said. Udall better get ready for the flip-flop brigades at all his events.

Posted by: Nob Hill Farmer | Nov 14, 2007 10:51:24 AM

I love it when people use the phrase "you people." It shows that dismal tendency to think in shades of black and white and stereotypes.

Turns out many of the "you people" you're talking about are Democratic precinct and ward chairs, people who canvass and volunteer for Democratic candidates, people who donate to Democratic campaigns and even people who have been elected to serve on Democratic county and state central committees.

Could you list out some of the positions you are talking about when you say "left of the left lefties"? Is it being against the Iraq war? For universal health care and real renewable energy strategies, not just greenwashing? Do you mean being against unlimited sprawl and putting roads through national monuments? Or is it being against corruption and scams like ABQPAC? Are these what you mean by "left"?

Posted by: Old Dem | Nov 14, 2007 11:38:07 AM

One of my fellow Ward Chairs took me to task for calling Marty "a corrupt, self-serving, repugnant putz." In a sense, he's right. Corrupt and self-serving I can easily defend (ABQPAC and running Republicans who support him against Democrats for starters), although that wasn't my thesis. "Repugnant putz" was clearly /argumentum ad hominem/, an argument against the man. Even though "repugnant," "repug," and "pug" are blog slurs against republicans, the gratuitous insult was over the top.

Since I use my name on this blog, rather than hiding behind a nickname, it does behoove me to consider the feelings of people I have to work with for the good of the party, even when we disagree about candidates. I apologize for giving offense. IMHO, Marty's record of misdeeds should be enough to sink his candidacy. I don't need vent my ire by calling candidates names.

Posted by: Don Schiff | Nov 14, 2007 1:29:29 PM

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