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    Thursday, October 11, 2007

    Who Is Michelle Lujan Grisham and Why Is She Running for Congress in NM-01?

    GrishamsmDemocrat Michelle Lujan Grisham, former Secretary of the NM Department of Public Health, will officially announce her candidacy today for the NM-01 Congressional seat being vacated by Heather Wilson. This is Grisham's first run for public office.

    Grisham was appointed to head the state's public health effort by Governor Bill Richardson in September 2004. She served in that role until June of 2007, when she was replaced by Dr. Alfredo Vigil. The press release announcing the change stated that Grisham was resigning to pursue an opportunity involving elected office. She later explained she planned to explore running for Heather Wilson's Congressional seat or another elected office and said "I'm going to need time to raise money."

    Grisham's tenure at Public Heath was a rocky one. She endured public controversies over her firings of highly respected infectious disease specialist, Dr. Gary Simpson, and regional director of public health, Albert Esparsen, as well as her alleged mistreatment of the immunization program's Steve Nickell, who resigned. While some department staff apparently found her blunt management style refreshing, others accused her of being bureaucratic, abrasive, a micro-manager and prone to cronyism. Scandals related to life threatening conditions and poor nursing home care at Ft. Bayard Medical Center, as well as problems with client care, oversight and fiscal management at Los Lunas Community Programs, came to light on her watch.

    Prior to her work at Health, Michelle was the director of the Agency on Aging, which became the Aging and Long-Term Services during her 14-year career there. A lawyer, Michelle also managed the Lawyer Referral for the Elderly Program with the state bar. Grisham's grandfather, Eugene David Lujan, served on the NM Supreme Court from 1945 to 1959, and was the first Hispanic appointee to New Mexico's top court.

    The word is that former Democratic Party of New Mexico Chair John Wertheim will serve the campaign as a fundraising co-chair. By the way, Wertheim's wife, Bianca Ortiz-Wertheim, works in the administration of Mayor Marty Chavez, who's running for U.S. Senate. She was hired in June of this year as the city's legislative coordinator, a position created by Chavez. The job pays $79,000 a year and entails serving as a liason between the Mayor's Office and the City Council.

    You can read more about Grisham in my previous post discussing her departure from the Public Health Department.

    Our past posts about the NM-01 Congressional race are compiled here.

    October 11, 2007 at 02:17 PM in Healthcare, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink


    She's a piece of work. I guess she has a high opinion of herself though.

    Posted by: I Vote | Oct 11, 2007 4:31:41 PM

    Michelle has a horrible record with senior veterans and health care organizations. Im sure the republican party is happy she announced today... if the dems nominate her then, Wilson seat will continue to be a republican one.

    Posted by: Mary | Oct 11, 2007 4:59:55 PM

    Would she warrant any attention at all if she wasn't yet another party insider from yet another prominent Hispanic family with long time ties to the Democratic party, if she didn't have Lujan between Michelle and Grisham?

    Posted by: Rodney | Oct 12, 2007 8:21:16 AM

    What is the point of her running? Ego? You know, we just dont need any more of these corrupt, incompetent Dems who run cause they've got connections. I'm sick of it.

    Posted by: Taosvoter | Oct 12, 2007 10:02:00 AM

    I see she's pushing the facts that she has a Hispanic name and that she's a woman. I guess all Hispanics and women are supposed to vote for her even though she was awful at the dept. of health and her main claim to fame is as a bureaucrat who had to be forced out. I think NM voters are smarter than that. Go Heinrich!

    Posted by: No Way | Oct 12, 2007 10:30:04 AM

    I notice she had Republican Ed Lujan on the stage with her. I think she's related to him. Great-let's try to be as Republican as we can while running for a Democratic nomination. I think Grisham's done before she even gets out of the gate. Her run stinks of oportunism and trying to use her Hispanic name and that she's a woman. I'm a woman and I resent that.

    And that has-been John Wertheim is in with her? The straw that broke the camels back.

    Posted by: roadrunner | Oct 12, 2007 10:40:23 AM

    Michelle is an astounding woman. She has done so much for this State. If anything, we should be praising her for her hard work and devotion to New Mexico. She helped develop the resource center for in-home services for seniors and people with disabilities. Without out those services my father would have been sick and helpless because we couldn't afford the care he needed. She is very accomplished and will always be an assest to this State. I support her 110%!!

    Posted by: Sergio | Oct 12, 2007 11:20:13 AM

    "prominent Hispanic family with long time ties to the Democratic party"

    I am just wondering why this type of language is common among 'progressive' circles and viewed to be a negative? We live in a minority majority state. Most families that live here in NM come from a long lineage of descendants and it would be hard to find folks that are not related to anyone at all in this state and even though folks are related why is that such a bad thing? I love my family and friends.

    Am I not able to be 'progressive' if i have "prominent Hispanic family with long time ties to the Democratic party"? Seems a bit exclusive to me...

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Oct 12, 2007 1:48:46 PM

    The problem is when candidates seem to think that's enough to make them a good candidate or when people won't vote for a candidate unless they come from a "prominent Hispanic family with long ties to the Democratic Party."

    We need to support the best candidates no matter what their last names are. How many times have I heard that someone can't win because they're not Hispanic? Or the opposite - that someone won't vote for someone unless they don't have an Hispanice name. Time for this practice to go away.

    Posted by: RW | Oct 12, 2007 1:55:04 PM

    James Lewis, Diane Denish, Pat Lyons, 35 State Reps, and 22 State Senators are non-hispanics and have attained elected office. To say, "How many times have I heard that someone can't win because they're not Hispanic" you are saying that a high number of voting New Mexicans are racist, but by the numbers you seem to be playing into and spreading a false stereotype about NM politics.

    I love NM! I love New Mexicans! We are not racists and are not ignorant! As a hispanic it is disheartening to hear other hispanics say ignorant things, but it is a low number of folks that I hear say that kind of stuff. Every race has those folks. So, to hear some folks label ALL Hispanics as somehow having a problem with non-hispanic candidates is a horrible statement! Furthermore, those families that have dedicated countless hours of their time and hard earned dollars to the Democrat Party generation after generation should be honored and not tarred and feathered!

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Oct 12, 2007 3:26:17 PM

    You haven't heard that? Where have you been? I can't count the times I've heard 'we need to find an Hispanic to run' or 'Patricia Madrid will win because she has the Hispanic vote'.

    All I'm saying is to win we have to stop thinking like that and start looking at each candidate for their strengths and weaknesses. What is wrong with that?

    I don't vote according to the type of ethnic name someone has but I do know people who do and I think we miss out on good candidates because of it and get poor candidates like Lujan Grisham because of it.

    It happens in other states too where the Irish vote for Irish names, Italians for Italians etc. Too many voters make decisions on stuff like that instead of the issues and the quality of the candidate.

    Who said anything about ALL Hispanics? It was about some people, probably too many who do that. Who's being tarred and feathered?

    Posted by: RW | Oct 12, 2007 8:24:04 PM

    Isn't she the one who went undercover to investigate a nursing home? She posed as a patient who couldn't speak or hear, and learned a lot about the daily abuse that occurs at such places.

    I have to give her credit for that. I wish that happened more often.

    Posted by: KathyF | Oct 13, 2007 1:06:05 AM


    Posted by: Sanchez201 | Oct 13, 2007 3:29:23 AM

    As a union member and a vet, I was also deeply offended to watch her announcement and notice that she does NOT use union labor to make her placards and disgraced the American flag by hanging it backwards on her podium.

    Posted by: Sanchez201 | Oct 13, 2007 3:38:27 AM

    I remember the days when Democracy for New Mexico was anti-party-insiders, always working to open the party up and giving everyone a say. I guess when you get the power yourself, when you get your seat at the table its hard to give it up for someone else. I'm glad to know the DFNM folks have become the worst kind of Party Insiders, the ones who make decisions based on connections and affiliations, rather than on experience and progressive ideaology. I think Howard Dean would be proud. BLECH!!!!

    Posted by: Marshall Martinez | Oct 13, 2007 10:52:04 AM

    Don't worry, you'll soon be singing her praises when the Green Party candidate announces!
    After all, what qualifications are really needed hereabouts other than that D after your name?

    Posted by: Char Treuse | Oct 13, 2007 12:39:55 PM

    Marshall, I'm not sure what you are talking about. I relayed what has been reported in the media about Grisham and who is reportedly involved in her campaign, which includes former Dem State Chair John Wertheim.

    Many progressives and rank and file Dems have been supportive of Martin Heinrich for a long time, because of his experience and views. This isn't news.

    The opinions expressed on this site are personal and mine of course, as laid out on the About the DFNM blog page.

    I usually try to express what the majority of the progressives I know are saying, but of course views can differ, especially with primary candidates. Dems are an opinionated bunch.

    You are welcome to express your views in the comments, as you've done. So is everyone else, as long as they stay somewhat civil. People can also submit guest blogs to express their views.

    I don't see why you are so angry or what exactly you are referring to. Of course there are various power and interest blocs within the Party. That's how parties work. If you have a certain point of view or support a certain candidate I hope you'll support them without labeling those with other views as doing something wrong. It might be more helpful and persuasive if you'd express points in support of your views to build an argument, you know?

    Why are people supposed to give up expressing their opinions when they are active in the party structure? I thought it was the whole point of being politically active.

    Posted by: | Oct 13, 2007 1:24:56 PM

    Michelle would kick some serious butt in Congress. She would not be a lackey or HACK like Heather. Her family has long ties to New Mexico, and no one knows the issues facing the State as well as she does. She is the hardest working person I know, and she'd look out for OUR interests, not the party or a senior Senator. She is extremely bright, and politically astute. I am certain she will hit the ground running when she wins. WATCH YOUR BACK HEATHER!!

    Posted by: Suzanne Cully | Oct 14, 2007 10:22:33 AM

    I think one thing Democrats need to understand is that if you have a long and horrible recore with a long and horrible papertrail, one of the side-effects is that you DON'T GET TO RUN FOR OFFICE. Democrats will likely pick up the seat Heather has left behing this time unless we nominate someone like Michelle, who the Republicans would have plenty of commercials to run against her just from googling her past ALONE. I think, she represents the only chance we have to give this seat to the republicans.After the 2006 election cycle, everyone knows what tactics the republicans will use. Democrats SHOULD be inclusive of good candidates but Michelle is NOT one of them. We already have a Issue driven frontrunner who has a past of working for issues that we all should be proud of such as fighting in the city council to raise the minimum wage for those in need and protecting our environment. I have nothing personal against Michelle, but I do care for the well being of my family and fellow New Mexicans. We we have the greatest chance we have had in history to take this seat from the Republicans and the only possible way we could hand it over to them is by nominating someone like Michelle. Taking back this seat and putting in a good person who stands for causes that we all should be proud of, is what is important to me. Leaders such a Bobby Kennedy and Cesar Chavez are far and few and I really think NM has one of those leaders running for Heather's vacant seat right now, so I urge Dems to send Martin to face off against whomever the republicans nominate

    Posted by: HELPNM | Oct 14, 2007 12:30:58 PM

    Wow folks this is a good discussion. A few things I would like to add about La political. First of all what your seeing in the 1st CD is a battle between the Governors camp and the Chavez camp. The Govs camp,campaign Diva Amanda Cooper and straw man Dave Contarino have picked the sweethearts that have ran against Heather and lost the past two cycles. Guess what folks? Martin is their pick next year and it will probably be the touch of death for him. The Chavez camp, the Wirtheims and Lujan Grisham are vengeful outcasts , thrown out by the Govs Brain Trust because they are no longer politically useful. Sandwiched in the middle we have the State Dem party which is used like a Kleenex by whomever has the most money to dish out. With Almost 40% of NM registered voters "Declined to State" a growing trend, its the time for a Independent not a Green candidate to run in the 1st CD.

    Posted by: FDR DEMOCRAT | Oct 15, 2007 9:12:47 AM

    Let's face it either Martin Heinrich or Michelle Lujan Grisham would be a huge improvement over the awful Heather Wilson, and imagine the damage Republican candidate Darren White would have if he won in the first district.

    However I think Heinrich is really the stronger candidate. He is respected by so many people on both sides of the aisle and is very popular with Democrats whether they are progressives or more moderate. He is smart and known to be fair and reasonable yet strong on issues like the minimum wage and the environment.

    I don't agree with FDR Democrat's statement that Heinrich is Richardson's pick to run for Congress. I think Martin is the people's pick. Everyone I know is so excited he is running and will work hard to get him elected.

    I think FDR Democrat is also wrong about the Democratic Party. Over the past several years many progressives were elected to offices in the party and they won't be "used like a Kleenex" by anyone. They will support the candidate who expresses their views and vows to fight for them.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 15, 2007 10:59:32 AM

    I find it extrememly interesting to hear people comment about the horrible commercials that can be made about Michelle, and googling her past...GET A LIFE! Without her devotion to this State in the Aging and Long-Term Services Department and Heath Department we would be seeing all of our family members in horrible nursing homes getting abused and not enough vaccinations for the people who need them most. I would love to see one of you people who attempt to bash her accomplish anything like she did for the State of New Mexico. She has done so much for us New Mexicans and the sad part is some of you try your hardest not to acknowledge it. Perhaps all the things that Heather ruined for our State would finally be fixed once Michelle takes her place. Oddly enough I haven't seen any of your names in the paper or on the internet stating the wonderful things you've done for this State. I find it interesting you can bash the people who bust their butts to make our state a better place...

    Posted by: Sergio | Oct 15, 2007 2:14:08 PM

    Just because someone does good things doesn't mean they'd necessarily be a good candidate. Many people do good things. Very few make good candidates. My 2 cents.

    Posted by: Bob | Oct 15, 2007 2:47:01 PM

    Michelle is and excellent candidate who will serve all New Mexicans well. She has worked extremely hard for the elderly and the people of this state. There are many people who believe she will do an excellent job in Washington. To all the harsh critics, I say do your research! Check the facts, don't just rely on the media for your information.

    Posted by: DemforMichelle | Oct 15, 2007 5:11:52 PM

    Why not give us some documented facts or news coverage about all the good things about Grisham if you want people to change their minds about her? We have the facts about Heinrich and many of us know him personally. It would take some convincing to switch.

    Posted by: I Vote | Oct 15, 2007 5:17:27 PM

    So, your saying you basically don't know any actual facts about Michelle and the things she has accomplished? But since you know Heinrich personally he must be better right? You obviously just talk as a friend of Heinrich and are too stubborn to even do your own research. Michelle is such an asset to this State and I see her doing great things for NM in Washington. She puts her heart in everything she does and she is the one candidate I trust to make this State better. Just because you don't know her personally, doesn't mean she isn't right for the job.

    Posted by: Sergio | Oct 17, 2007 12:08:33 PM

    Just for the record (especially Kathy F), Grisham was secretary of health when the dept. of justice issued its report, so her name is on the report, but she didn't cause the problems at the state's nursing home. in fact, she worked her ass off to fix a lot of the problems, spending months working at the facility.

    and yes, she went undercover in a nursing home to see what conditions were like.

    Posted by: kendem | Oct 23, 2007 10:25:54 PM

    I have been following this stream for weeks and it is obvious to me that what has been said about this group is exactly true, it is filled of individuals who at one time were party outsiders, unknown to them became insiders, use the same tactics as those they had railed against and now have continued their consistant anti-hispanic rehtoric. It doesnt surprise me that Barbara has decided to take the hit on this one that the views expressed in the article are hers, but I have a question with all the talk about ethics reform has DFNM ever filed with the NMSOS, reported who donates to this organization, who its members are, or even posted where their contributions came from. Just a question.

    Posted by: Antonio | Oct 25, 2007 11:17:25 PM

    I think, no corection I know you are the the best person for the job at hand. i know you will make the changes that need to made for the better of all. I commend you on standing in the for front and leading the way

    Posted by: Edgar T. | Nov 2, 2007 10:05:56 PM

    I'm really disappointed that DFNM readers and contributors have annointed Heinrich and are essentially trying to squash Grisham's candidacy. Here's a novel idea, let's encourage a democratic process and see who is the strongest D to take on Darren White?

    Posted by: Dan | Nov 23, 2007 6:36:12 PM

    I think you're wrong Dan. Grisham is the main speaker at the DFNM meetup in December. That doesn't sound like quashing anything to me.

    Posted by: | Nov 24, 2007 10:31:13 AM

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