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    Thursday, October 04, 2007

    Revealed: Domenici Retiring Due to Progressive Brain Disease

    Sad news. According to an , Sen. Pete Domenici is retiring because he suffers from a progressive disease that can cause dysfunction in the parts of the brain important for organization, decision-making and control of mood and behavior. The disease is said to be Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD). A draft of his retirement statement supplied to the AP reveals that Domenici learned the disease is worsening when he had it checked in late September. Excerpts:

    The progress of this disease is apparently erratic and unpredictable. It may well be that seven years from now, it will be stable," Domenici intends to say, according to a draft of remarks prepared for delivery.

    "On the other hand, it may also be that the disease will have incapacitated me. I am not willing to take a chance that the people who have so honored me with their trust for 40 years might not be served as well as they deserve in the United States Senate."

    ... In his prepared remarks, Domenici said that as recently as April, "the disease had not progressed."

    ... "No cure for my disease exists, yet," he said. "But, if we work hard enough, we may be able to find a way to cure people with diseases of the brain in the future. That would be truly a wonderful thing."

    In the draft remarks, Domenici also says he is confident he'll be able to serve the rest of his current term.

    I've often been tough on Sen. Domenici for his political positions and actions. Right now, though, I want to express my compassion for his health problems and my hope that modern medicine can bring them under control. Whatever political views we have, I think we can honor Pete Domenici for his distinguished career in the public spotlight and extend our thanks for his decades of service to Albuquerque, the State of New Mexico and the nation.

    Some milestones from the Pete Domenici's life, from his Senate website:

    Personal History

    Political Experience

    "...Mr. Domenici enjoys a universal reputation as one of the Senate's hardest working, most intelligent and most intense members."—New York Times, May 1995

    To read other posts on the U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

    October 4, 2007 at 02:42 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Local Politics | Permalink


    I know that Senator Domenici has also been ahead of some in his efforts to get coverage for mental health care by health insurance plans.

    Most likely he will have no trouble obtaining full coverage for this condition, because he has the benefit of having "socialized health benefits" through the US government.

    However, if he had this illness and had my (private) health insurance, probably notsomuch coverage.

    It would be good if he would work on the behalf of others to have the same universal health coverage that he enjoys.

    Posted by: bg | Oct 4, 2007 10:00:10 AM

    It sure would-starting with pushing for an override of Bush's veto of the childrens health coverage bill. Many kids get serious diseases and have to suffer with no coverage thanks to America's crazy quilt insurance system rigged to make profits for the big companies.

    Posted by: Maya | Oct 4, 2007 10:26:29 AM

    I can't offer a breath of compassion for this man, and he's not the first elected leader to serve while mentally unsound. I would wager that Reagan was already in decline when he was propped up for his ceremonial role as president. Bush II has clearly shown that he is unfit, both mentally and philosophically, to lead a nation. Domenici assisted in tearing down the Justice Department, which should always be above politics. He should just quit now. I hope New Mexico voters will show Wilson the door as quickly as possible. Your state is a national liability to the progressive cause.

    Posted by: WenG | Oct 9, 2007 12:55:35 PM

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