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Thursday, October 25, 2007

First Look at Marty Chavez's Senate Campaign Team

A Roll Call article (subscription only) entitled, "Chavez Consolidating Democratic Establishment Support in New Mexico" provides an early look at the team Mayor Marty Chavez is putting together for his primary run for U.S. Senate in New Mexico.

I find it telling that Mayor Marty's finance team is "composed of many individuals from outside the mayor's Albuquerque base." That might just be because so many rank and file Democrats in the Albuquerque area don't consider him to be a genuine Democrat or one that can be trusted. Chavez seems to be drawing heavily from the big dollar donors with ties to oil and gas, horse racing and gambling interests that have been among the campaign funding mainstays in the political circles of Gov. Bill Richardson and Lt. Gov. Diane Denish.

Judging from those named, I wouldn't be surprised if Denish and Chavez made some kind of deal that's aimed at giving Chavez support for his Senate run while leaving a clear path for Denish to the governorship in 2010 -- or earlier if Richardson leaves New Mexico for a job in DC. If true, I hate to say it -- but yuck. Nothing like helping a flawed candidate with undoubtedly high negatives in order to assure that your own political path is easier. I hope I'm wrong.

The article says that the list of Chavez's "cadre of supporters" suggests that Richardson and Denish won't be running for the Senate seat, and that Marty claims he's lined up $560,000 in campaign pledges. No money in the bank, just "pledges." Trying to scare off the competition? You bet.

The Chavez Team According to Roll Call

Campaign Manager: Mark Fleisher, who ran Chavez's '05 mayoral reelection campaign

Finance Team:

General Consulting: McMahon Squier Lapp and Associates

Polling: Celinda Lake of Lake Research Partners

Media Consulting: Intends to sign Murphy Putnam Media LLC.

I'll be writing more soon about the backgrounds and connections of the Chavez team. For now, suffice it to say that it's clear that Mayor Marty will be running for the Senate nomination much as he has for Mayor -- with an emphasis on big donor bucks from the usual suspects who are heavily involved in the big business community. It should be interesting to see how the Party's State Central Committee members and primary voters will react to this approach to securing the nomination. Not only is Chavez seen as an anti-progressive DLC-type Dem, his operating style and power base is viewed with what might be termed disdain on the part of many. It's one thing to be "moderate" but quite another to be ethically challenged.

Additional Media and General Consulting: Brown Inc.

Direct Mail: The Mack Crounse Group

October 25, 2007 at 06:17 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


Here we go again.

Dziak was treasurer of the Chavez slush fund -- ABQ PAC back in 2002. Marty Chavez was found guilty of violating the City of Albuquerque's Ethics Code in the ABQ PAC scandal.

Whether the R's end up with Wilson or Pearce, either one will have the budget to drive this story all over the state and they'll have a field day with it.

Posted by: sick of the Marty's corruption | Oct 25, 2007 11:05:15 PM

So here we go again another attack on a hispanic candidate, another attack by this organization against someone who doesn't fit their "democratic profile". I cant help but notice that this organization hasnt criticized their darling Martin Heinrich for almost completely changing his voting record overnight and voting with most of the mayors agenda over the past few months since his entrance to the congressional campaign. I read this blog just to see the attitudes of destructive democrats who in essance have begun the process of helping the republicans win by destroying democrats it doesnt agree with. You all seem to love to find out where other peoples political money comes from, how about yours? Who funds this site? Who are the people paying for these ads and where is their money coming from?

Posted by: Sick of this attack on hispanic candidates! | Oct 25, 2007 11:31:24 PM

"Another attack on a Hispanic Candidate". Wow, using racism to divert attention away from corruption, sets the bar pretty low before the campaign even gets started! Mayor Sleazy apologist much? As for peoples political money, nothing tells us more about a candidate than knowing what special interest funding their campaign will get their support. Especially applicable to a candidate with a long public record of questionable ethical issues. BTW, the law requires candidates to divulge that information, privately owned web sites, not so much. "Destructive Democrat", um, is that like one who claims to be a Dem yet has Republic values, or more accurately shares their lack of values?

Posted by: VP | Oct 26, 2007 8:27:23 AM

I see someone is hauling out the old complaint about Hispanics getting picked on. I guess if a candidate is Hispanic we're not supposed to be interested in where they get their money, who supports them or the scandals like ABQPAC.

Progressives and reform Democrats support many Hispanic candidates and office holders including Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Moe Maestas, Antonio Sandoval, Eric Griego, Debbie O'Malley, Rey Garduno, Elias Barela, Ken Martinez, Deanna Archuleta, and many more. In fact progressives worked very hard for Patsy Madrid's campaign for congress last time and Richard Romero's before that.

When you have scandals like the courthouse bribes, state treasurer thefts and ABQPAC making the party look bad it's more important than ever to look carefully at the ethics of candidates and where their money comes from. This is good for honest Democrats not destructive.

I wish those who don't like things pointed out about certain candidates would debate on the merits of the arguments instead of saying Hispanics are being attacked. That's just plain silly.

Marty Chavez has attacked Democrats over and over on the city council, worked against their getting elected, and said he would vote for Domenici if he ran again. Who's being destructie to Democrats?

Posted by: Liberal Democrat | Oct 26, 2007 9:03:51 AM

Did you see what Chavez had to say about Tom Udall over at Heath Haussamen? Now that's a real example of being destructive to another Demo.

Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 26, 2007 9:42:05 AM

The only reason why Chavez is being attacked the the NAZI-LEFT is because he is not a progressive.

I know that we are in a primary process- we have plenty of strong candidates other than Richardson or Udall- We have Diane Denish.

Lets suppose Chavez ends up being the nominee - Progressive should set their personal animosity of Chavez aside and support Chavez if he is the nominee- because we can not let Wilson or Pearce win.

Posted by: Neal Patel | Oct 26, 2007 9:48:17 AM

Great. Chavez bad mouths Tom Udall and supports Pete Domenici. He bad mouths Debbie O'Malley and supports Craig Loy. What is wrong with this picture?

Posted by: roadrunner | Oct 26, 2007 9:49:10 AM

Did you see what Chavez had to say about Tom Udall over at Heath Haussamen? Now that's a real example of being destructive to another Demo.

I hope that it self- forces Udall's to reconsider his decision on the US Senate Race.

Posted by: Neal Patel | Oct 26, 2007 9:51:06 AM

If some intrepid reporter would check with Johnny Cope, Paul Blanchard, Javier Gonzales, and Jamie Koch they might find that they didn't agree to serve on Chavez's finance team and that Marty's people overreached by making this announcement, and pissed these guys off.

Since all of them are strong Diane supporters, Marty has managed to push them further over to Diane's side.

Nice bumbling press operation, Marty....

Posted by: Marty making it up | Oct 26, 2007 10:28:09 AM

I wonder if that's true about Marty making it up. I wouldn't be surprised.

I can't support Marty because he is selfish, pompous, dishonest, on the side of sprawl developers, takes money from bad people, ignores the needs of ordinary people, is arrogant, acts like a bully, is underhanded and pretends to be "green" when he has done more to allow out of control sprawl development than anyone else in government. I think he would make a very bad senator.

I support Don Wiviott for Senate. Time we had some candidates who aren't career politicians.

Posted by: I Vote | Oct 26, 2007 11:02:48 AM

"Progressive should set their personal animosity of Chavez aside and support Chavez if he is the nominee- because we can not let Wilson or Pearce win." Ya, lets completely ignore the corruption, the bullying, the arrogance, the cronyism and the pandering to special interests and claim people don't want Chavez as Senator because its "personal animosity" I can't and won't support Chavez under ANY circumstance, we have enough of that crap in Washington already. Progressives CAN win this Senate seat and we don't have to pull a candidate out of the sewer to do it.

Posted by: VP | Oct 26, 2007 11:52:48 AM

So you mean to tell me that because the hispanics you have supported in the past have placated to your ideals that is all a candidate has to do to earn your support. Jerry Ortiz y Pino (Definately a progressive), Moe Maestas (definately an opportunist), Antonio Sandoval (works for heather wilson), Eric Griego (keeps running for office but is too far left no one wants him), Debbie O'Malley (just as vengful and vindictive as she claims the mayor is), Rey Garduno (We'll see), Elias Barela (progressive in Belen?), Ken Martinez (oh yeah so progressive he has done nothing to move ethics reform or payday lending forward), Deanna Archuleta(progressive). Open your eyes people some of these individuals have been using you and you have the guts to stand there and hold them up as progressive. I bet if you really got to the bottom of it you would realize that they are good at BSn you and at least with Marty you always know what you are going to get. As far as bringing up the race card, you all have been playing that card for so long just review the last post in regard to Michelle Lujan, look at the comments made about Luciano "lucky" Varela when he ran for Treasurer. I didnt play the card some of you did, I just happened to call you out on it.
In regards to candidates you bring up alot of points regarding that but none of you are open to answer the question who funds DFNM.

Posted by: Sick of this attack on hispanic candidates! | Oct 26, 2007 12:46:33 PM

, lets completely ignore the corruption, the bullying, the arrogance, the cronyism and the pandering to special interests and claim people don't want Chavez as Senator because its "personal animosity" I can't and won't support Chavez under ANY circumstance, we have enough of that crap in Washington already. Progressives CAN win this Senate seat and we don't have to pull a candidate out of the sewer to do it.

Before you progressive make any suggestions that you can win without Chavez- You need a candidate to defeat Chavez in the primary- we know that Richardson is not running,Udall is not running and Denish is most likely to run for Governor. Madrid is not running- Other statewide consitutional officers such as Gary King,Hector Balderas,James Lewis,Mary Herrara- should be also mention- unless one of those people run. Democrats may be stuck with Chavez. I have no problem defeating Chavez in the primary like I have no problem with Democrats defeating Hillary in the primary but if Chavez becomes the Democratic Nominee we should make sure he becomes the Junior Senator of New Mexico.

Posted by: Neal Patel | Oct 26, 2007 12:53:19 PM

Hey "sick of this" -since when is a blog responsible for all the opinions expressed in the comment threads? Why do you find it strange that Democrats support other Democrats who represent their ideals and positions? Why do you find it odd that Democrats don't like to support crooked politicians like Chavez? This is surprising?

Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 26, 2007 1:17:41 PM

I want to weigh in on this comment from above:

"If some intrepid reporter would check with Johnny Cope, Paul Blanchard, Javier Gonzales, and Jamie Koch they might find that they didn't agree to serve on Chavez's finance team and that Marty's people overreached by making this announcement, and pissed these guys off.

Since all of them are strong Diane supporters, Marty has managed to push them further over to Diane's side.

Nice bumbling press operation, Marty....

Posted by: Marty making it up | Oct 26, 2007 10:28:09 AM"

I'm hearing the same rumor. Anyone know if this is true? If so Chavez' goose is cooked.

Posted by: Question | Oct 26, 2007 1:23:00 PM

I never said that the blog was responsible for comments on the thread, but it does reflect on those who call themselves members of this organization, just like members of this thread think that those who support marty chavez are crooked. Why do I find it stranfe that Democrats support other Democrats who represent their ideals and positions? Well the answer to that is what have those individuals really done that support your beliefs and values. I would have to say that individuals like Manny Aragon, Shannon Robinson, and Dede Feldmen have been more effective in supporting your ideals and values, but you would never give them their due. Why do i find it odd that democrats dont like to support crooked politicians like Chavez? See another term like crooked associated with Chavez, it isnt crooked that Diane Denish, Al Park, and Geno Zamora took money too from questionable individuals did it tarnish their records? See I just think it is that fact that some of these individuals playcate to you and have really not accomplished anything to move your cause forward and you dont hold them as accountable for their actions as you do individuals like Chavez.

Posted by: Sick of this attack on hispanic candidates! | Oct 26, 2007 1:27:08 PM

Sick of this...

I gotta say, there is a little entertainment value in reading the tortured logic you employ with your race card argument.

So according to you, Hispanic Dems are incapable of having genuine progressive principles, and that instead, whenever they do espouse and act on such principles they're merely "placating" DFNM? First, if that's true, that makes DFNM really darned powerful. Second, you're being incredibly insulting to Ortiz y Pino, Maestas, O'Malley and others you name by questioning both their intelligence and intellectual honesty. OK, so you believe Marty Chavez, Manny Aragon and Shannon Robinson walk on water. (BTW I'm sure your hero Marty really appreciates being included in that company!) Does that mean you have to trash every other Hispanic Dem?

Just admit it dude, you're really a Republican troll.

Posted by: logic dude | Oct 26, 2007 1:58:22 PM

Can anyone here remind us: what was the highest percentage of the vote that Marty has gotten in his mayoral runs in Albuquerque. I was trying to find this online but couldn't.

I thought it might be 33%, but someone told me that was high. Seems like this number would be relevant in this discussion. Should someone who has never topped 50% in any local election even be considered a serious candidate?

Posted by: PNM | Oct 26, 2007 2:31:30 PM

See I just think it is that fact that some of these individuals playcate to you and have really not accomplished anything to move your cause forward and you dont hold them as accountable for their actions as you do individuals like Chavez.

Sick of this Attack- Just a little advice for you. Lets ignore these Facist Left Wing Nazi Bloggers. These men have no credibility- They are bunch of whiny prick. Their candidate Dean lost in the Presidential primary in 2004, LaMont lost to Lieberman in the General election in 2006. and Edwards or Obama are going to lose in 2008 Democratic Presidential primary in 2008.

Who ever becomes Senator is going to be a back bench member- they will not have any influence or power as Domenici and Bingaman who have seniority and occupy commitee chairmanships and are on powerful committees. This is why Richardson who is the most power politician in NM as Governor is not running- Richardson will have more influence as Secretary of State or Vice President than Junior US Senator . Udall who has seniority in the US House and is on the Appropriations committee. Denish who is more interested in running for Governor in 2010. Other candidates such as Gary King,Hector Balderas,Mary Herrara,or James Lewis have no interest in going to DC.

Here is a likely scenario. Denish agrees to run for the open NM US Senate Seat- she defeats Marty Chavez in the primary. Richardson makes a strong 4th place finish in the Presidential Primary- Endorses Hillary. He makes it on the VP Short list but Hillary instead selects Wesley Clark - Hillary Clinton/Wesley Clark ticket win the 2008 Presidential Election. Denish wins the 2008 NM US Senate Race defeating Heather Wilson. Richardson gets on Hillary's short list as Secretary of State but gets passed over- she instead selects Richard Holbrrooke. Richardson remains Governor until Jan 2011. Richardson selects ex AG Patricia Madrid to become Lt Governor suceeding US Senator-elect Diane Denish. For the 2010 NM Governors race- Denish decides to run for Governor in 2010 she wins in the primary defeating Martin Chavez. and wins in the general election. Denish then appoints Bill Richardson to her US Senate seat. Richardson serves in the Senate until 2014 when he decides not to seek re-election. Hector Balderas decides to run for the us senate in 2014.

Posted by: Neal Patel | Oct 26, 2007 2:39:19 PM

Why does "sick of" think that members of the DFNM Meetup are the only ones posting comments on here? It's obvious that all kinds of people read this blog and comment on it. I think it's funny you don't see support for Dede Feldman on here. Obviously you don't read this blog much if you say that.

I think most Democrats would want ALL the money taken out of politics and everything funded by public funds. Until that happens it's good to see what actions politicians take compared to who they take money from. Ask almost anyone and they say Chavez acts to support his "generous" donors on almost every issue.

Posted by: Meetup Member | Oct 26, 2007 2:47:06 PM

Oh jeez, I have to comment on Neal Patel's comment where he says "Lets ignore these Facist Left Wing Nazi Bloggers. These men have no credibility- They are bunch of whiny prick."

What a sexist comment! What makes you think it's all men commenting on here and what gives you the right to call them that name? Too bad those arguing for Chavez have to resort to this kind of language-also they can't spell or break their comments into paragraphs either.

Posted by: I Vote | Oct 26, 2007 2:56:26 PM

Another element of this issue is that the names on the Chavez Finance Team are all regular Dem Donors, so I would think they are supporting all the nominees and not Chavez exclusively, as was implied.

It was probably the honest mistake of an enthusiastic press operation.

Posted by: Desert Dem | Oct 26, 2007 2:57:47 PM

What a sexist comment! What makes you think it's all men commenting on here and what gives you the right to call them that name? Too bad those arguing for Chavez have to resort to this kind of language-also they can't spell or break their comments into paragraphs either.

I vote- You want to read a sexist comment - Go Cheney yourself. or like Eric Cartman says- Suck MY Balls

First of all- I am not a Chavez supporter- I am neautral in the primary but I don't like it when Liberal Democratic Bloggers are spending most of its energy attacking Chavez who is a Democrat instead of trying to attack Wilson or Pearce who are more evil or trying to recruit a stronger progressive candidate to defeat Chavez in a primary.

Posted by: Neal Patel | Oct 26, 2007 3:08:44 PM

Good going Neal. You are proving my point so forcefully as to being a sexist and a name caller who can't spell or make a logical argument.

Chavez is a Democrat in name only.

Posted by: I Vote | Oct 26, 2007 3:27:29 PM

BOB ANDERSON 558 14 48 620 10.5%
DONA UPSON 534 17 33 584 9.9%
MARTIN T. HEINRICH 2,061 81 200 2,342 39.9%
JOHANNA TIGHE 951 25 153 1,129 19.2%
JAVIER MARTINEZ 400 11 21 432 7.4%
LINDA DORAN 672 18 68 758 12.9%
WRITE IN 5 2 5 12 .2%

Posted by: Sick of this attack on hispanic candidates! | Oct 26, 2007 3:48:28 PM


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