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« With Nowhere Else to Go, Marty Chavez to Seek U.S. Senate Seat in New Mexico | Main | Enchilada Dinner & Presentation on Environmental Impact of Sandia Labs Nuke Project »

Monday, October 08, 2007

First SurveyUSA Polling on U.S. Senate Race in New Mexico

What I find interesting is that Steve Pearce is stronger than Heather Wilson across the board, and that Don Wiviott is registering decent numbers considering he's never run before and he just begun his primary race several months ago. Note the weakness of Marty Chavez despite being in his third term as Albuquerque mayor, and having run and lost for governor in 1998.

From new SurveyUSA polling:

10 Possible Head-to-Head U.S. Senate Pairings Tested for Domenici NM Seat: When 5 possible New Mexico Democrats are paired-off against 2 possible New Mexico Republicans, in the contest to replace U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, who announced 10/04/07 his decision to retire from the Senate, Republicans win 5 match-ups and hold the seat, Democrats win 4 match-ups and take-away the seat, and one pairing is a tie, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KOB-TV.

Starting with Republican candidate Steven Pearce, Congressman from New Mexico's 2nd District:

Now to Republican candidate Heather Wilson, Congresswoman from New Mexico's 1st Congressional District:

Said the opposite way: Richardson and Udall defeat either Republican, and take-away the seat for Democrats. Wiviott is defeated by either Republican. Chavez and Madrid both are competitive against Wilson. All of the above is true today, 10/08/07, 56 weeks to the General Election on 11/04/08, but much can and will change as the contest begins to take shape.

Here are the cross tabs filling in the details on the polling.

Read our previous posts on this race.

October 8, 2007 at 08:26 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink


Where's Diane Denish on this polling. She should be on there. She could mop the floor with all of them, including Chavez.

Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 8, 2007 8:36:28 PM

So Udall could safely give up his seat expecting that another Democrat could win easily in the north.

Yes, and where is Diane?

Amazing that considering Pearce has not announced that the poll included him but not Diane. She has not ruled it out, AFAIK.

Posted by: bg | Oct 9, 2007 9:30:32 AM

I will vote for Wiviott over Marty Chavez no problem. Chavez would make a horrible Senator and now this polling shows he would probably lose the race anyway especially if Pearce runs.

Wiviott or Denish. The end.

Posted by: I Vote | Oct 9, 2007 10:40:01 AM

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