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    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    NM “Iraq Summer” Campaign Blasts Domenici for Obstructing Responsible End to the War in Iraq

    From Americans Against Escalation in Iraq:
    “Iraq Summer” Campaign Turns Up Heat Nationally on Out of Touch Senate Republicans like Pete Domenici for Betraying Constituents, Country

    Albuquerque, NM – Today, U.S. Senator Pete Domenici put party politics before the clear will of the people of New Mexico and the country by obstructing an up-or-down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that would bring a safe and responsible end to the Iraq war. More than seven in 10 Americans favor removing nearly all U.S. troops from Iraq by next April. [USA Today 7/10/07] 

    “Senator Domenici’s vote today for endless war in Iraq is a bitter affront to the people of New Mexico who overwhelmingly support bringing our troops home out of the crosshairs of a bloody civil war,” said Greg Richardson, Field Director for the New Mexico chapter of the “Iraq Summer” campaign.  “Over the clear will of his constituents, Senator Domenici chose to enable this President to continue prosecuting his costly, irresponsible and failed Iraq policy -- and we’re not going to take it lying down.”

    Last night Moveon members and Iraq Summer organizers held events outside the home state office of each and every Senate Republican to demand they stop blocking an end to the war in Iraq. In total Moveon members held 155 events across the country.

    “On Wednesday night, citizens across the country came out in force and showed that they are not going to stand for this cowardly obstructionism and political gamesmanship from Senate Republicans,” continued Richardson. “The outpouring of public anger and frustration last night is a clear indication of how Senate Republicans are grossly out of touch with their constituents. This is no longer just an anti-Iraq war movement, this is a nation united in demanding an end to the war. It's time Senator Domenici and his fellow Republicans stopped obstructing, stopped playing these petty political games and started representing their constituents by voting to bring this war to a safe and responsible end.  That’s real support for our troops.”

    “Senator Domenici’s vote this morning is further demonstration that he has lost touch with the people of New Mexico.  Through the ‘Iraq Summer’ campaign, Americans Against Escalation in Iraq will turn up the heat on Senator Domenici even further. We’ll be knocking on more doors, holding more rallies outside his office, continuing our Call Congress campaigns, and placing more and more signs on lawns across this state demanding an end to this reckless war.  If Sen. Domenici thought he could escape public retribution and accountability for his obstructionism – he’s painfully mistaken.”

    “Iraq Summer” has dispatched nearly 100 organizers to 15 states and 40 congressional districts to turn up the heat this summer on Republican members of Congress who have opposed setting a timeline to bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq.  The intense10-week program is modeled on the “Freedom Summer” civil rights project.

    July 18, 2007 at 04:04 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink


    Pajama Pete has been a party to the obstruction of a lot of much needed legislation, Levin-Reid is just one of many bill he has helped block. What that says to me it that he couldn't care less about his constituents or the good of the country, his loyalty is with his party and that sorry excuse of a President we have. Time for him to retire, I hope "we the people" can help make that happen in 08!

    Posted by: VP | Jul 19, 2007 7:53:37 AM

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