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    Friday, July 20, 2007

    Bush to Visit NM to Raise Funds for Domenici

    BushpeteAccording to the Albuquerque Journal, The Commander George W. (The Decider) Bush will be taking precious time out of his delusional Iraq occupation disinformation campaign to attend a private, big dollar fundraiser for Sen. Pete Domenici in late August in Albuquerque:

    ... sources familiar with Domenici's quest for a seventh Senate term told the Journal this week that the campaign has already started making calls to solicit potential contributors regarding the late-August fundraiser and plans to mail out invitations soon.

    I'm sure they'll keep the details secret so that New Mexico's citizens don't get anywhere near the increasingly unpopular president (or the increasingly muddled Domenici). As always, Bush's handlers are hell bent on making sure that inconvenient realities don't puncture the president's protective bubble of sunny, steely "resolve."

    The visit by Bush is undoubtedly a payback for Pete's refusal to vote for anything meaningful to change course in Iraq, despite the Senator's recent posturing in the media about a change of heart on the occupation. Like Bush, Domenici is all hat, no cattle, on Iraq. Domenici's top priority these days, like that of most other powerful Repub Senators, is protecting the president and his cronies rather than doing what's right by our troops or our nation. Money talks. Domenici listens.

    July 20, 2007 at 10:06 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Iraq War, Local Politics | Permalink


    too bad it's in late August. I'd like to attend a rally at the same time as theirs, for Dem challengers.

    Posted by: suz | Jul 20, 2007 10:27:42 AM

    The only way this scenario could get worse is if Cheney were the one showing up! Bush and Domenici - my god - will there be one shred of coherence in the whole affair?

    Posted by: david | Jul 20, 2007 11:18:24 AM

    Not much coherence. Just a bunch of back slapping and money changing hands.

    Posted by: | Jul 20, 2007 4:39:50 PM

    Isn't this like bribing Pete not to vote for a real timeline to get out of Iraq? Sure seems like it.

    Posted by: Fanta Se | Jul 20, 2007 6:56:39 PM

    Is Domenici that out of touch with reality or is it plain stupidity? He can't seriously think that clinging to Bu$h and his failures will gain him anything but scorn from everyone but the few vain and delusional enough to attend and contribute.

    Posted by: VP | Jul 21, 2007 1:45:35 PM

    I could not be more delighted. Bush "supporting" Domenici. Sweet! Another nail in the coffin. The few Bush supporters left will spend their money and the rest of us can remember Iraq and have more ammunition against "St. Pete."

    Posted by: david | Jul 22, 2007 9:35:50 AM

    I bet the local newspapers and tv news won't give it much coverage so the ordinary people won't even know it happened. But it does show Domenici is scared and thinks he needs to raise mucho dinero to win again. Even if he does win (which I don't think he will) that means the Repugs will be spending money here they could have been spending somewhere else. A win-win situation.

    Posted by: Red or Green | Jul 22, 2007 12:48:21 PM

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