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    Thursday, March 01, 2007

    (Updated) New Mexico Democrats: Move Now to Capture Domenici's Senate Seat

    UPDATE: Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo reports that many reporters are staking out Sen. Domenici and Rep. Wilson today, trying to get a response to the Iglesias story. Nothing yet.

    On the heels of the unfolding scandal about what looks to be the very improper firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias and seven others, Jonathan Singer at MyDD echoes the calls I'm hearing from many Democrats in New Mexico. Democrats should go after Pete Domenici's Senate seat in a serious, organized way. Recommended start? How about Rep. Tom Udall, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Mayor Marty Chavez, or other A-list candidates rethinking a challenge against Domenici? And how about some spending on tv and/or radio ads calling Domenici (and Rep. Heather Wilson) out on alleged conduct unbecoming in the firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias? Singer says:

    I have written for some time that New Mexico's aging Republican Senator, Pete Domenici, should be among the Democrats' top targets in 2008, not only because his conservative views are way outside of the mainstream -- particularly for a state as balanced politically as New Mexico -- but also because his Jim Bunning-like actions (walking around the Senate in pajama bottoms) raise real questions about his competence to serve another six years. But new questions surrounding the possibility that Domenici abused his office for partisan political reasons should further enlarge the target on the Senator's back.

    ...  the headline remains that Domenici potentially used his office for partisan political gain, a big no-no, as it were. And given the possibility that Domenici just might not be up to a heated campaign that not only questions his fitness to serve but also his intentions and trustworthiness, it's incumbent upon the Democrats, both inside New Mexico and those trying to extend the party's majority in the U.S. Senate, to begin to put pressure on Domenici to retire rather than stand for reelection, as he has indicated an intention to do.

    If this means an investment of $50,000 of $100,000 today for television and newspaper ads throughout New Mexico calling Domenici out for his alleged actions I think it would certainly be worth it.

    Additionally the Democrats also need to ramp up their recruitment drive in the state. A number of potential Democratic heavyweights -- Rep. Tom Udall and Albuquerque mayor Martin Chavez, to take two examples -- have stated an unwillingness to run for the Senate in 2008 if Domenici were to run for reelection. Yet if they, or other candidates of their potential strength, were to flirt with a run today, they might, along with an ad buy by the DSCC or the Democratic Party of New Mexico, be able to sufficiently scare Domenici so that he decides against seeking another term. There is little potential downside to such a move but great potential upside, and as such there seems to be little reason to me why such a combined effort should not be undertaken at this point. [emphasis mine]

    Come on folks. Imagine what would be going on if a Democratic Senator and Representative were being implicated in a rapidly expanding political scandal like this one. And yet, the Democratic Party of New Mexico has yet (to my knowledge) even issued a press release on this story or provided a quote to the media. Wake up out there!

    The worst thing that could happen would be for NM Dems to sit on their hands while Repubs set up a plan to make excuses for Domenici's and Wilson's alleged outrageous conduct. Imagine a scenario where they manage to save enough of Wilson's reputation to insert her into the race for Senate at the last moment, with Domenici withdrawing. I could go on with possible scenarios, but the key point is that in politics, you have to strike when the iron is hot. Like now.

    March 1, 2007 at 02:20 PM in Candidates & Races, Crime, Democratic Party, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink


    Yes, it's time to turn up the heat.
    PinkSLIP Pete! PinkSLIP Heather!

    Posted by: R. Wilson | Mar 1, 2007 3:00:24 PM

    The state party needs to be AGGRESSIVE on this! We could gain both a senate and house seat if pressure is kept on St. Pete and Heather.

    Posted by: El Norte | Mar 1, 2007 3:15:12 PM

    Richardson is going to be an excellent Senator!

    Posted by: | Mar 1, 2007 3:39:59 PM

    I'm sure Richardson could win in a heartbeat if he wanted it. Hmmmmm

    Posted by: Old Dem | Mar 1, 2007 3:52:37 PM

    I also added my two cents over at NM FBIHOP. All I can say is Dump Domenici!

    Posted by: | Mar 1, 2007 4:37:11 PM

    Absolutely Richardson should go after Domenici seat, a 2012 Presidential run would probably give him a better chance to win. Regardless of who goes after that Senate seat, one area where Domenici is very weak is Veterans affairs, he has been in the public eye on the BRAC Commission stuff which might be giving people the false impression that he pushes hard for Vets, but a close look at his voting record tells a different story. In a state with so many Veterans and retired and active duty military, a candidate should spend some time focusing on that issue. Perhaps had Madrid done that with Wilson who also is weak on Veterans issues, we might be calling her(Madrid) Congresswoman now instead of looser.

    Posted by: VP | Mar 1, 2007 6:13:09 PM

    Yeah, Domenici may have "Bunning-like" behavior but remember Jim Bunning still got re-elected.

    The national Dems have limited resources and have to go after the weakest incumbents. Domenici's not on the list.

    Posted by: Jade Andrews | Mar 1, 2007 9:16:41 PM

    The only reason Domenici has such high approval ratings in most polls is because few voters know a damn thing about him except that he's been around since the Flood. This metastisizing scandal is the perfect opportunity to educate New Mexican's about his wingnutty sleazy ways. Strike while the fire is HOT!

    Posted by: DN Palacios | Mar 1, 2007 11:20:25 PM

    "Domenici has such high approval ratings in most polls is because few voters know a damn thing about him". Very true, and from my own personal experience, every letter to the editor I have submitted to the local papers criticizing his voting record or hurtful to constituent position on some issues just doesn't get printed. Seems that nobody wants to hear anything negative about "Saint Pete".

    Posted by: VP | Mar 2, 2007 9:44:41 AM

    Pietro Domenici was always revered as a budget hawk, yet WMD has borrowed more money from foreign creditors then all other POTUS combined! That blows my mind. He supports borrowing 8 billion A MONTH on the FUBAR disaster in Iraq. No War Tax, No Draft, No Sacrifice. Just 1% of the USA shouldering the burden!

    Posted by: | Mar 3, 2007 10:37:15 AM

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