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    Wednesday, November 30, 2005

    Sign Petition to Support Rep. Holt's Fair Elections Bill

    There's alot of work going on within New Mexico and nationwide to try to ensure fair elections where our votes are counted accurately. If we can't feel confident about this, is our democracy actually working? We know the answer.

    That's why HR 550 is important. There's a petition on Rep. Rush Holt's web site to support this election reform bill, which he sponsored. The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (HR 550) would:

    Not unexpectedly, the bill is currently stalled in the House Administration Committee and needs a boost. Today, blogs around the nation are posting information on HR 550 and urging their readers to sign the petition and contact their Congressional reps to urge them to sign up as cosponsors of the bill. It's also a good idea to contact members of the House Administration Committee to light a fire under them about this issue. CapWiz provides an easy way to contact members of Congress. You know what to do.

    November 30, 2005 at 10:55 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Hot dang, Democracy for New Mexico, you people rock. Thank you for putting up this post on H.R. 550, which verifiedvoting.org calls the "gold standard" of accountable voting. Thanks for asking people to go to rushholt.com to sign the petition to get this out of House Administration Committee limbo. If you're reading this, you can help advance this issue by letting your friends know about the petition and this effort. Thanks, thanks, THANKS.
    Rosi Efthim
    NJ for Democracy

    Posted by: Rosalie Efthim | Dec 1, 2005 2:57:25 PM

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