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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Espanola Valley Woman Quits National Guard

Scan0002_3I got this letter from Petra Salazar (photo left), who grew up in the Espanola Valley here in New Mexico. I found it to be so moving and inspiring that I wanted to print it here in its entirety. Petra obtained a consciencious objector discharge from the National Guard and she explains why she felt it necessary to leave the military, regardless of the views others might have about her actions. You can learn more about her story in this article. She wanted to have this published as a letter to the editor at the Rio Grande Sun, but it looks unlikely because the newspaper apparently has had enough of this controversy. Well, we have space here . . . .

Dear Editor,

I am currently studying abroad in Austria and have heard in my absence that the article regarding my military discharge and my political beliefs has been quite controversial in my beloved Espanola Valley. I have not read any of the editorials for nor against my choice to leave the Army National Guard, but still believe I should make things very clear, especially at this crucial time before the presidential election. My life is blessed with two great events, the first is my enlistment in to the armed forces and the second and most significant is my discharge. I feel no compulsion to defend that which I own so proudly and want to avoid wasting anymore time dodging the real issues, Bush’s war and his administration’s motives. I told my story in hopes that it would open peoples’ eyes to the fact that not all GIs are in bed with the Bush administration and not all are blindly following a gun-wielding shoot-and-ask-questions-later go-it-alone cowboy administration. I was meant only to be an example. The main point of the article I hope was not lost.

Thousands of soldiers around the country and in Iraq are in strong opposition with the current administration and feel very used. This war is a gross exploitation of our military, and people need to wake up to that realization and stop encouraging politicians to use the lives of our sons and daughters for their own selfish gains. To be a Bush supporter within the military is to me an amazing defense mechanism. Of course these troops want to believe their Commander in Chief is in the right -- how else would they justify or cope with their buddies’ unnecessary deaths? How would they justify killing another human being in their minds if they knew or realized what they were doing is wrong and that they were mere tools of a corrupt administration? Our administration wants the troops to paint the face of Bin Laden and Saddam on every Iraqi. Bush says this is a fight against Terrorism, but not only has his war reinforced terrorism, it has provoked even more. Islamic communities all over the world believe this as an attack on their people, and it is.

Anti-American sentiment is growing feverishly due to the greedy imperialistic and non-democratic motivations of this administration. In the International Relations, Political Ideas, and Intercultural Communication classes I am taking here in Austria, the sentiment is obvious and blatant. I have not met one European who is in agreement with this war. We are the Roman Empire, and we are falling under this administration. The US is seen right now in a very negative light here in Europe. We are burning bridges left and right. The EU is a strong and growing power that the US needs as a civil tie. However, most Europeans believe we are fools. Respect for our country is rapidly diminishing all around the world.

How many people have to die before we see that this war is wrong? How many lives are going to be ruined by the end of this mendacious mess? Of the 1,246 coalition deaths, 1,107 have been American soldiers. Also, 7,532 soldiers have been wounded. The number of civilian Iraqis killed in this war is up to 15,357. Indiscriminate stray bullets and bombs kill not only their target but also the elderly, women, teens in their prime, children, and babies (Where are Bush’s anti-abortion advocates with their baby killer signs now? Hiding behind the skirt of a hypocritical administration?). Our politicians in the White House have a nice dehumanizing term for these types of murders, “collateral damage.” Does the end (if it ever comes) of this war justify the means by which this war was conducted? This is the question that we have to face when we look at the pictures of our dead. And if money is the main concern, take a look at our debt and add up the billions upon billions of dollars that we’ve committed to this war. Is it any coincidence that the only hard dollar profiteers from this war are the same people who initiated it?

Read up on this war. Do the background research. Back up your political beliefs. Then please give me a solid argument after researching this war and the current administration as to why anyone who lives below the top percent wealth line would believe this to be a legal and just war. You can email me at peaonbush@hotmail.com.

If you are going to support something you should first know what you are supporting.



Books: The Iraqi War Reader

Definitions: Paradox- Hispanic female Bush supporter
*https://www.wglobalscorecard.org/index.htm (very good site)

October 20, 2004
Petra Salazar

October 26, 2004 at 09:58 AM in Candidates & Races, Current Affairs | Permalink


"How would they justify killing another human being in their minds if they knew or realized what they were doing is wrong and that they were mere tools of a corrupt administration? ... Bush says this is a fight against Terrorism, but not only has his war reinforced terrorism, it has provoked even more. Islamic communities all over the world believe this as an attack on their people..."
So true. We have a lot of work to do to straighten this out. Bush has been so incredibly destructive, I just hope we get the chance. Thank you for your courage and for the letter, Petra, and thanks to Barb for posting it here.

Posted by: Nancy | Oct 26, 2004 2:32:49 PM

A profile in courage and plain spokenness. Well considered, and well chosen, Petra. I hope you have many people telling you how proud they are of you.

I keep wondering what it will be like for an American to travel abroad if Bush wins. It will be hard to hold up our heads. It's one thing to have him appointed, but another to choose him now that we know what he is about. I'll have to buy a pin or T-shirt that says "I didn't vote for him, and I worked by ass off to defeat him."

Posted by: John McAndrew | Oct 26, 2004 10:22:21 PM

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